Saturday, 9 November 2013

#BeyonD LovE

who sayS love is a joY forevER
iTS a ComplicatinG thiNG,complEte neveR..!
Only REason we PAss into nothiNGneSS is LOvE,
This thinG is onLY perfecTO for a coUPle of DOvE..!

FuLL od separatioN,shocK anD soRRRows...
no onE is suRE ,wiLL alivE oR noT nEXt moRROw..!!
thERE is no DOubT itS a FlowerY banD,
buT itS end liKE a fuLL of hanD filLEd wiTH saND..!

At starT of lOVE hER faCE was MOOn,
hER laP waS likE a ShaDDy bOOON..!
hER SmilE waS juST a RoSY bLOOm
bUT everY onE knOWS ehaT aRE the DoomS..!

loVE is World oF cheaters,
SeEN frOM fAR seemS veRY sweetER..!
ALL lovELy talES we havE hearD or reaD,
you SEE...
enD is onlY fuLL of SorroW and DeatH..!

maY be a lovEr's liFE seemS attractiVE,
buT in reaL, it iS totallY destructiVE..!
i caN'T understAnd...
whY arE yoU exciTED to FaLL in lOVE,
if YOU knoW, onE nevER remainS alIVE withouT anOTHer dovE..!!

EveryThing you caN get "BeyonD LOVE"
buT escaPINg frOm it alSO verY tougH..!!
its a  FeelING , givES joy fOR a momEnt,
theN giVE paIN and Pain and paIN and paIN......
tiLL the soul's retierment..!!